New Governor’s Son Has Elephants and Elephants And Mrs Allen Laughingly Wonders Why

Oakview, home to Massachusetts Governor Frank and Eleanor Wallace Allen, and the new Executive Mansion.

NORWOOD, Jan 3—With the inauguration of Gov Frank Gilman Allen this noon, the State found itself graced by one of the youngest wives of a Governor in history.

Mrs Allen, the former Eleanor Wallace of Pittsburg, a graduate of Wellesley College in the class of 1925, will surprise those visitors to the State who have not heard beforehand that the wife of the Governor of Massachusetts is so youthful.

Although compounded by the peaches and cream girlishness of this young woman not quite 30, they will find one who will carry on the social amenities of the State as if she were born to it.

Frank Jr Is Not Interested

Another member of the Allen family will occasionally assist in receiving, out these occasions will be rare indeed.

Frank Gilman Allen Jr, aged 1 month and 26 days, has little interest in the outside world as yet. Snuggled in his bassinet in the nursery recesses of the spacious Allen mansion, set on a grove-covered knoll not far from the town’s center, he slept this noon straight through the ceremony at the State House. There is small likelihood he cares anything about the office which has come to his father.

Largely on his account the Governor will, for the time being, continue to commute. Motoring to and from Norwood does not take very long, and until His Tininess grows more than the present 21 inches the Allens have decided to remain here. Later they may take a place in town, but for the present the great Allen house is the one place for a baby.

Since he came here after his first week or two in Phillips House, the Massachusetts General Hospital, Frank Jr has practically ruled the household, although he never will rule his trained nurse. She conducts his early life with the most annoying precision. She intends, while she is entrusted with his welfare, to bring him up with all the advantages of modern scientific study.

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No Photograph Yet

His mother plans to have his picture taken soon.

“I suppose I should,” she said yesterday. “We are waiting until he is a little older. Everybody wants to know what he looks like. He is his father all over again. He looks as much like Mr Allen as a baby can look like a grown-up person.”

The Allen automobile had just driven up to the door and let Mrs. Allen out after a hurried shopping trip, to keep an appointment with the Globe representative. She came in, laden with mail packages, excused herself while she put them and her coat aside, and immediately the small mysteries of the household vanished.

The Globe in its official capacity had been seated on a deep davenport, its mind wandering.

It had settled the question of the fireplace close at hand where brass-knobbed screen and andirons and tongs surrounded a carefully set fire, topped with a white birch log.

In the carpeted silence that hushed the establishment after the pretty Swedish maid noiselessly closed the front door and disappeared, it had appreciated the comfort of a house built when ceilings were made high.

A House of Treasures

Hand-carved chairs and plant stands, beautiful old paintings priceless European antiques brought home by Gov Allen on many of his 18 trips to Europe, add to the beauty of the residence.

To this Gov Allen brought his bride at the culmination of a romance that began on a trip to Europe.

While the Globe had waited and luxuriated, it puzzled over the collection of umbrellas or canes out in the hall, apparently canes of many shapes and descriptions. Does Gov Allen make a hobby of canes, does he use them all?

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A bird dog, cream white and dimly spotted, entered with tail wagging, put up its head for petting and raised a paw in gratitude. He took a momentary interest in a silver leaf holding Christmas candy on a taboret, but his manners were laudably perfect. He passed it by.

And Baby Has His Toys

An automobile whirled up the broad half-moon driveway and Mrs. Allen, having unburdened herself of her parcels, came into the living-room. She was dressed all in black and wore a short-graded pearl necklace.

So many things happy and sad have happened. Just a week ago Gov Allen’s mother, who had been very ill, died. The funeral took place Sunday. Joy and sorrow have been tumbling over each other, yet through it all Mrs Allen has managed to act with the thoughtfulness expected of the wife of a Governor-elect. She lent her personal aid to several charitable projects during the Christmas season, when anyone might guess her own desire was to be at the side of her baby.

“He is 10 pounds 14 ounces this morning, almost four pounds heavier than when he was born,” she proudly announced.

“And his playthings,” she continued, “are mostly elephants. Ever so many people sent him elephants for presents. I wonder why!”


Fri, Jan 4, 1929 – The Boston Globe (Boston, Massachusetts)


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