Schools, Parks, Shopping Center Possibilities In Development

Leo Wolf, Owner of Westover, discussed his preliminary plans for the development of the Westover property with the Planning Board on Monday and later, in a closed session.

He went into the same matter with the Board of Selectmen on Monday night.

Wolf told the Planning Board that he planned to complete two houses on Nichols Street first and is requesting an extension to the water main and sewerage for that purpose.

Wolf said that his present feeling was to have an overall plan combining both the Norwood and Westwood sections of the property. He added that he would like to see the area integrated and have it act as a self-sustaining community with its own school, parks, and possibly a shopping center. He pointed out that at present he has no definite plans.

There is a good possibility that a meeting will be arranged with the Board of Health, Selectmen, and the Planning Board for a full discussion of proposed plans for this area.

It has been reported that Wolf Is planning to build $20,000 homes on Nichols Street.

The minutes of the Planning Board meeting on the matter were as follows:

“Mr. Wolf appeared before the Board for a preliminary discussion of the Westover property. He reported that the papers have been passed and that he now is the owner of the land. He stated that miles of parkways and roads through the project. It will be one of the greatest residential areas ever developed in a suburban district. The total assessed value of the property is $315,000.

In the words of the Burns agency. “The dream of its former owner will finally become a reality.”

at first he had 2 diffcrent plans made up. one for Norwood drawn by Amcrico Nimccola of Marlboro and one for the Westover section drawn by Joseph Sclwyn. He now feels, however, that he would like to disregard these plans and have an overall plan combining both towns. He would like to see the area integrated and a self-sustaining community with its own school, parks, and possibly a shopping center. He added that at present he has no plans and appeared before the Board for a preliminary discussion.

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“Chairman Dnimmçy presented a plan showing the land owned by Mr. Wolf which was drawn by the Committee of 9 and various phases of the plan were discussed.

“Chairman Drummey suggested that it would be a good idea if a meeting could be arranged with the Board of Health, the Selectmen, and the Planning Board for a full discussion of proposed plans for this area. Mr. Bamber felt that for discussion purposes. It would be well if a rough plan could be presented so that the various boards could have a few points for discussion.

“Various sections of the plan were discussed and Chairman Drummey stated that the Town in 1951 voted to accept a report for the expansion of the cemetery which would involve lad adjacent to the present cemetery and owned by Mr. Wolf.

“Mr. Wolf stated that his first step will be to complete the two houses now on Nichols Street and he is appearing before the Selectmen to request an extension of the water main and sewerage.

“With regard to the discussion with the various Boards. Mr. Wolf stated that he would present any plans which he has now including the plans of Mr. Niomecola and Mr. Selwyn for discussion purposes. He added that he would like the suggestions and opinions from the Town as to what they would like to see in this area. After a further discussion, it was agreed that the Board would meet with Mr. Wolf on Tuesday, July 6th at which time he would present any preliminary plans he has including the two previously mentioned.

“Later in the meeting the matter was discussed further and Chairman Drummey reported that in the next town meeting warrant there would be 2 articles requesting the town to purchase land for school purposes. He added that there is no mention of the town acquiring the parkway from Walpole Street to Nichols Street and he felt that the matter should be given some consideration. Mr. Bamber stated that the parkway should be laid out as the Board proposed some time ago and that a plan of the land for school purposes be drawn to conform with the Planning Board’s layout irrespective of the number of acres to be allowed for school purposes.

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“After a further discussion, on motion of Mr. Wall, seconded by Mr. Bamber, it was voted to request the Town Engineer for a description of the Parkway from Walpole Street to Nichols Street so that the Town could purchase the land for street purposes and that an article be included in the same town meeting warrant as the two articles for purchase of land for school purposes. This matter will be discussed with the Selectmen on Tuesday night.

(All articles were originally published in the Norwood Messenger unless otherwise noted)

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