Once again the town of Norwood has been honored by being chosen as the headquarters of a new veterans’ organization, a Marine Corps League Post.

This new Post was started in Walpole but it was decided to transfer it to Norwood because of the more central location in regard to the nearby towns of Dedham, Canton, Westwood, and Walpole.

Tile Marine Corps League is a national organization with it’s membership being restricted to former Marines, male and female, and Marines still on active duty. It has no affiliation with the U. S. Marine Corps itself but has been endorsed by it as à very worthwhile organization. The League has no political ties and Is in existence primarily to bring together all ex-Marines as a veteran’s group.

Its Constitution and by-laws state it’s purpose as: to band to preserve the traditions and to promote the interests of the United States Marine Corps; to band those who are now serving in the United States Marine Corps and those who have been honorably discharged from that service together in fellowship that they may effectively promote the ideals of American freedom and democracy; to fit its members for the duties of citizenship and to encourage them to serves as ably as citizens as they have served the nation under arms; to hold sacred the history and memory of the men who have given their lives to the nation; to foster love for the principles which they have supported by blood and valor since the founding of the Republic; to maintain true allegiance to the American institutions; to create a bond of comradeship between those in service and those who have returned to civil life; to aid voluntarily and to render assistance to all Marines and former Marines as well as their widows and orphans; to perpetuate the history of the United States Marine Corps by fitting acts to observe the anniversaries of historical occasions of peculiar interest to Marines.

Related:  This Day in Norwood History- September 13, 1940-13 Years old on Friday the 13th

The Charter has been granted to this new Post in Norwood and a membership drive is on. All former Marines living in Walpole, Dedham, Westwood, Canton, Norwood, and other nearby towns are urged to join and make this one of the best Marine Corps League Posts in New England.

The next meeting will be held in the Memorial Hall in the Norwood Town Hall on Thursday, February 6, at 8 p.m. Further information on membership may be obtained by contacting any of the following: Bob Stewart, 445 Main street, Walpole 819-J; Paul R. Grokoest, 11 Reed avenue, Westwood, Norwood 2382-M. or 1283; John J. Murphy. 273 Railroad avenue, Norwood 0889-R.

The People Who Settled Swedeville

The People Who Settled Swedeville

A view down Cedar Street. (photo by LLKearney)             Initially, Swedeville appears to have been a multi-ethnic neighborhood; composed of…

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