A 1920’s Model T Ford

NORWOOD, Dec 8—Action was taken at the meeting of the ‘Norwood Board of Trade last night, asking for the appointment of a committee to investigate the feasibility of opening up new roadways in the town to take care of the increasing auto traffic

This committee when it is appointed will get all possible facts and report back to a later meeting of the board with recommendations.

During the past year, the number of automobiles owned in Norwood have increased from 509 to 729 and during the past five years, the number of deaths on the railroad has been five while those on the streets have been 15.

Norwood is on the direct line from Providence to Boston and during the rush hours of the day. holidays and Sundays there is a procession of cars and Washington st is badly congested.

Just how this stream of traffic can be diverted from the main thoroughfare is for the special committee to solve.

Wed, Dec 8, 1920 – The Boston Globe (Boston, Massachusetts) ·