Norwood Civic Association

NORWOOD, Oct 2—The Norwood Committee of Public Safety has opened the clubhouse of the Norwood Civic Association as an emergency hospital, the clubhouse having been offered for that purpose by George F. Willett, president of the association.

Dr. L. H. Plimpton is in charge and Mrs. Marcia M. Winslow is superintendent. There is a corps of trained nurses, assisted by volunteer nurses.

Beginning last night, details of Co G. 13th Regiment. State Guard, are on duty at night. The office work is cared for by members of the Girl Scouts.

The Civic Association buildings will accommodate 100 patients. There are 60 patients there up to this morning. Two died yesterday, but they were very ill when admitted.

02 Oct 1918, Wed The Boston Globe (Boston, Massachusetts)

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