NEW COMMANDER—Capt. John F. X. Holland, left, former Commander of Company E, First Battle Group, 101st Infantry, congratulates First Lieutenant Joseph F. Murphy as he assumes» command of the company. (Eugene McLean Photo)

NEW COMMANDER—Capt. John F. X. Holland, left, former Commander of Company E, First Battle Group, 101st Infantry, congratulates» First Lieutenant Joseph F. Murphy as he assumes» command of the company. (Eugene McLean Photo)

First Lieutenant Joseph F. Murphy of 202 Sunnyside Road, Norwood, an officer in Co. E, First Battle Group, 101st Infantry, has been named Commanding Officer of the Company and assumed his new duties last Monday night at the Norwood Armory.

Capl. John F X. Holland, whom he replaces and who has been commander since May of 1959, has been reassigned to Battle Group Headquarters at the Victory Road Armory in Dorchester. Lt. Murphy has been an officer in the Norwood outfit since he was commissioned in June, 1956. He has been Executive Officer of the company for the past two years.

It was also announced at the Armory that First Lieutenant William Bartlett has been assigned to Company E from East Newton Street Armory In Boston to assume the position of executive officer here. Second Lieutenant William V. Brady has been assigned here from Company B in West Roxbury to act as Platoon Leader.

First Lieutenant Eugene F Sullivan, who for the past three years has been Platoon Leader hero, has been assigned to Company A in Boston as executive officer.

Teen Age Flyers-This Day In Norwood History-April 8, 1945

Teen Age Flyers-This Day In Norwood History-April 8, 1945

Norwood HIGH is believed to be the first in the East, and perhaps in the country, where every student in…

Related:  Norwood Hospital Sign Warns Motorists-This Day In Norwood History-March 10, 1949