Pupils of the Balch School, English Club, under the direction of Miss Crowl and Miss Sanford, have formed a Safety Club. Henry Karsnis, of Grade Six, suggested the idea- after viewing an “Our Gang” comedy at the local theatre.

The “Our Gang” slogan was “1-2-3-Go.” The idea was to— 1st—look to the left; 2nd—look to the right; 3rd—look to the rear; and GO was to cross the street. This count was a precaution against automobile accidents crossing streets.

Members of the Balch School Club look all three ways before crossing any street. Bright silver arm badges are worn by the members.

Elected officers are: Henry Karshis, President; John Griffin, Secretary, Mary Campisano, Treasurer.

Membership now exceeds forty and is still growing.

Related:  Group From Norwood Going To Washington, D.C.-This Day In Norwood History-March 26, 1930