A meeting was held in Ellis’s billiard hall, last ‘Tuesday •evening by the men interested in forming a local bowling league. It was decided to form a league of four teams, The teams will be known as the Waverly team, the Central team, the Criterion team, and the “Has Beens.”

The Waverly team will be composed of the old “Fleming’s” bowlers who rolled last year. The bowlers will be Stewart, Brown, Balduf, Baker, and Lombard. The Central team will include Gillooly, Bateman, Barry, Jackman, and Coughlin. Hale, Saulter, Tannyhill, Kiley, and DeAlmeida make up the Criterion team, while Smith, Roby, Rea, Readel, and Ellis will compose the “Has Beens” and they will strive to prove that they are not quite “gone-by” as their name implies.

With the forming of this league, greater interest is being shown in bowling than has been the case since Norwood was represented in the “New Century League” and won the championship, four seasons ago. The present series of matches will be watched with interest as the “Has Beens” team is chiefly composed of bowlers who were the champions at that time. The following is an official schedule of the games :


Tues. 7, “Has Beene” vs Criterion! Thurs. 9, Waverly vs Criterion. Tues. 14, Central vs Criterion. Thurs. 16, Waverly vs “Has Beens.” Tues. 21, “Has Beens” vs Central. Thurs. 23, Waverly vs Criterion. Mon. 27, “Has Beens” vs Criterion. Tues. 28, Waverly vs Central.


Tues. 5, Criterion vs Central. Thurs. 7, Waverly vs “Has Beens.” Tues. 12, “Has Beens” vs Central. Thurs. 14, Criterion vs Waverly. Tues. 19, Waverly vs Central. Thurs. 21, “Has Beens” vs Criterion. Tues. 26, Waverly vs “Has Beens” Thurs. 28, Central vs Criterion.

Related:  This Day In Norwood History-August 5, 1938-Dixon Called To Chicago To Play In All-Star Game


Tues. 2, Waverly vs Criterion. Thurs. 4. “Has Beens” vs Central. Tues. 9, Criterion vs “Has Beens.” Thurs. 11, Central vs Waverly. Tues. 16, Central vs Criterion. Thurs. 18, “Has Beens” vs Waverly. Tues. 23, Central vs “Has Beens.” Thurs. 25, Waverly vs Criterion. Tues. 30, Waverly vs Central.


Thurs. 1, “Has Beens,” vs Criterion. Tues. 6, “Has Beens” vs Waverly. Thurs. 8, Central vs Waverly. Tues. 13, Criterion vs ^Waverly. Thurs. 15, Central vs “Has Beens.” Mon. 19, “Has Beens” vs Criterion. Tues. 20, Central vs Waverly. Tues. 27, Central vs Criterion.


Thurs. 1. “Has Beens” vs Waverly. Tues. 7, Central vs “Has Beens.” Thurs. 8, Criterion vs Waverly. Tues. 13, Central vs Waverly. Thurs. 15, “Has Beens” vs Criterion. Tues. 20, “Has Beens” vs Waverly. Thus. 22, Central vs Criterion. Tues. 27, Criterion vs Waverly. Thurs. 29, “Has Beens” vs Central.

(All articles originally published in the Norwood Messenger)

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