Two New Depots Proposed.

(Editors Note: The Australian ballot, first used in Victoria and South Australia in 1856, is a “secret ballot” voting system where voters privately mark their choices on standardized ballots provided by the government or indicate their preferences through another confidential method.)

Village Hall was well filled with voters last Saturday night to discuss the various articles in the warrant.

The meeting was called to order by Francis Tinker, and Hon. W. E. Locke was chosen as moderator. On the several questions, the town orators spoke their little pieces with unusual interest and voted as follows:

To widen Chapel Street between Guild and Pleasant Streets, and to raise $510 to be used for this purpose by the selectmen,

To accept a common sewer M laid out by the selectmen from the railroad to the Neponset river, and on motion of M. M. Alden to raise $50 for land damages.

Article 4, in regard to extension of Nahatan Street, was tabled.

To accept the Australian system, and the following are the officers to be elected by that ballot: selectmen, assessors, overseers of poor, board of health, surveyors of highway* (3). town clerk; town treasurer, collector of taxes, auditors, school committee, water commissioners and constables.

The license question will also be decided on this ballot. The terms of the officers will be the same as heretofore. This question was discussed at length, but the vote was almost unanimous in its favor.

The several articles in regard to railroad accommodations were acted upon collectively, and after much debate it was voted that the town would not give up the stations at Norwood and Norwood Central, and that the railroad company be asked to furnish better accommodations at the Central at once; also that suitable improvements be made at Norwood, including a new station to cost not less than $ 2500. J. C. Lane and the selectmen were appointed to notify the company of the result of the meeting. This vote was almost unanimous, nearly everyone present voting No.

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Voted to accept extension of Bullard Street; also to raise the sum of $1300 to build this and Beacon Street as laid out by the selectmen.

On motion of E. J, Shattuck it was voted to accept the extension of water mains on Bullard street, and to appropriate the sum of $384.74, now in the water commissioners’ treasury, to pay for the same.

Meeting dissolved at 10.30.

(All articles originally published in the Norwood Messenger)

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