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Town’s Leading Citizens Present At Meeting To Plan For Big ’75th’ Anniversary of Norwood-This Day In Norwood History-October 3, 1947

ANNIVERSARY CHAIRMAN—Charles F. Holman, present State Representative and former Selectman, who has been named as General Chairman of Norwood’s 75th Anniversary Committee. He is shown here on the rostrum at Memorial Hall where the organization meeting took place. (McLean Photo)
Rep. Holman To lead Norwood Anniversary.

By Win Everest

Representative Charles F. Holman was elected Chairman of the permanent committee for the 75th Anniversary of the Town of Norwood at a meeting held Sunday afternoon at the Memorial Hall of the Municipal Building.

The business of organizing the celebration got off to a flying start, with more than 50 percent of the 250 persons which had been invited to this first meeting, present and voting. This group ot 250 represented practically every organization. group and interest in town and it there were any which had not been invited. General Manager Edward C. Monahan explained that they had been omitted by accident and begged them to come forward and make themselves known, as he wanted all interested on the organization committee.

The meeting was opened at 3 o’clock by General Manager Monahan, temporary chairman of the Committee. He told the committee that the first business ot the meeting was to elect officers and to organize and plan for suitable activities to celebrate appropriately the 75th Anniversary pt Norwood’s original Town Charter, passed by the Legislature in 1872. This celebration will be held in the week beginning with Monday, October 27, which has been officially designated as “75th Anniversary of the Town of Norwood” by the Selectmen.

He also slated bluntly that there were no funds on hand in anyone s treasury to pay for such a celebration and that the raising of such funds would be part of the permanent committees job.

Among the suggestions which have have been received by the Selectmen for the purposes of the celebration he listed the following:

A large public banquet to be held on Saturday, November 1, which would be the last day of the celebration week, a parade to include all groups of the town such as the industries, churches, societies, schools, etc.

a pageant to picture the 75 years of growth of the town,

a huge band competition between local bands and those from out of town.

To motivate such events, the Genera! Manager pledged the unlimited aid of all the town employees. “They will do anything asked” he said.

(All articles originally published in the Norwood Messenger)

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