Drops on the Farm of W. P. Nickerson.

Weighs More Than 200 Pounds and Like Iron Slag.

Hired Man Thought Hole Made by Rabbits.

Sat, Oct 9, 1909 – Page 1 · Santa Ana Register (Santa Ana, California)

NORWOOD, Oct 8—A meteor, weighing more than 200 pounds, fell on the farm of W. P. Nickerson, on Brook st, last night.

A man employed on the place discovered a fence broken and a large hole in the ground, and notified Mr. Nickerson that someone had been breaking fences, and also that rabbits were burrowing.

Mr Nickerson investigated and had the meteor dug out of the ground, it resembles iron slag, being the color of slate, rough and corrugated on the outside. but of solid formation in general.

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