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This Day in Norwood History-October 3, 1940-$50,000 Sport Center Opens on Friday

Equipment Is Most Modern In This Section

Structure Beautiful In Interior

Norwood’s new $50,000 Sport Center will open tomorrow. It will provide the bowlers of this section with the finest, most up-to-date alleys in the East.

No expense has been spared to provide every facility for comfortable and healthful exercise.

The alleys are known as “Centennials” and are the finest that the Brunswick – Balke – Collender Company make. A 16-foot approach to the foul-line is provided so that all bowlers will have plenty of room. Each ball return is equipped with an automatic stop so that there is no danger of smashed fingers because of a return ball banging against other balls.

The brown and yellow color combination has teen carried out to the drop curtain over the alleys and the curtains on the windows.

The seats for the bowlers are semi-circular and, are made of matched press elm wood. In the center of the semicircle will be a unit containing an ashtray, sponge ball, towels, a compartment for pocketbooks, and the new type of score sheets and seat for the scorer.

An innovation in the method of scoring is introduced Instead of keeping score up and down, the score sheets are from left to right and both teams in a league can keep the score on one sheet.

Ninety-six spectator seats, on two rows of steps, are provided giving all spectators a clear view of all matches. The seats are styled as individual opera chairs.

In the lobby id idea of comfort and cleanliness has been ever most in mind.

One of the most beautiful luncheonette and soda fountains has been installed. Here one can get a light lunch or soft drink or ice cream. This is expected to be very popular with both bowlers and others as a delightful ice cream parlor has been provided. A corner of the lobby has been fitted out for the use of team captains to figure out their scores in comfort. Oriental rugs cover the lobby floor.

A place has been provided for those not bowling where they will be as comfortable as in their own home. Glass partitions and flowers complete the lobby, while over both alleys and lobby has been hung a ceiling which, in three colors, has already become one of the most talked of items in New England. Builders as far away as Maine have traveled to Norwood to see it.

Down_stairs, in the general recreation area will be horse-shoe pits for ladies and gentlemen, ping-pong tables, shuffle-board, and deck tennis. Also anti-aircraft guns and pinball machines have been provided for amusement.

Here also are the ladies and gentlemen’s rooms. A powder room with up-to-date vanities has also been provided for the ladies. A great amount of care was taken in selecting the lights for the alleys and it is believed that the utmost in perfect lighting has been obtained. These lights are 240-watt fluorescent and are equal to 300-watt incandescent lights.

The flower design on the outside of the building and the entrance add to the general scheme.

It is truly a place of which the people of Norwood can justly be proud and of which the bowling public know they have the best there is.

The alleys are registered and scores made on the alleys will be recognized by the N. E. Amateur Bowling Congress.

All the work has been completed with 90 percent of the workers being local residents.

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