Mrs. Lewis Day, Mrs. J. M. Winslow and Mrs. W. B. Eddy gave an informal reception at the home of Mrs. Day last Monday evening, taking this way to redeem their pledge to raise money for the Universalist society. About two hundred people were present, who enjoyed not only looking over the elegantly appointed home but also the dainty refreshments served in the dining room.

Mrs. E. A. Bigelow and Mrs. F. H. Winslow presided at the table, pouring chocolate and coffee, while the gentlemen served the guests with sandwiches, cake, lemonade, confectionery, etc.

The rooms and tables were beautifully decorated with cut flowers and plants. Mr. Stanford Mitchell sang a solo to the delight of all, and an informal singing of college songs and glees by the young people made the evening a jolly one.

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