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Cleveland Students Learn Arithmetic By Keeping Store-This Day in Norwood History-December 27, 1962

The second-grade pupils in Room 4 at the Cleveland School have been having much fun playing store in connection with their arithmetic lessons.

The children have been working in small groups with the following leaders: Wendee Wolfson, Linda Bonatz, Steven Brennan, Joseph Strillchuk, Diane Burdon, Pamela Rogers and Kenneth Bush.

Each day a particular group brought small articles to sell and made price tags for them. At arithmetic time, the group moved behind the table and made change as the articles were sold.

Finally, all groups had their turn so the class had a real sale. Books, small toys and games were sold. While part of the class observed, the rest either bought or sold the articles.

The cash amounting to ninety cents was realized from’ the sale, and this became a class fund to be used as the class wishes.

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