W. Cameron Forbes

Fri, Aug 25, 1939 – 1 · The North Adams Transcript (North Adams, Massachusetts)

Norwood, Mass., Aug. 25 (AP)—A hooded gunman broke into the home of W. Cameron Forbes, former ambassador to Japan, early today, fired at the caretaker with a double-barreled shotgun, frightened the caretaker’s wife and daughter and then fled.

The caretaker, Michael Connolly. 67, said he was awakened by the barking of a collie dog and ran into the hall. He was confronted by a tail, thin man whose head was covered by a black silk hood with slits at the eyes.

Just as the gunman told Connolly “This is a holdup,” the latter’s wife. Elizabeth, and his daughter, Mary. 20. walked from their bedrooms. The intruder turned to the women and Connolly ran into another room to telephone. The gunman fired after Connolly—the bullets piercing the door and breaking a window—and then ran out,

Connolly was unable to use the telephone as the man had cut the wires outside before breaking a door window to gain entrance.

Forbes is at his summer home in Fairhaven.

Chief William Sullivan said he was mystified by the incident. He did not believe it was a former employee and was unable to explain why’ the gunman made no attempt to take anything if it were a holdup.