In the course of the general program of the state for the abolishment of railway grade crossings, the present dangerous crossing at Railroad Avenue will be abolished. This work should be undertaken, however, not only with an eye to the safety of persons crossing the tracks, but with consideration of adequate communication across the Town. Railroad Avenue and Market Street extensions should be connected and at the same time a direct line should be arranged toward the southeast crossing Adams Street. The accompanying plan indicates a satisfactory method of solving the local grade crossing problem in conjunction with the improvement of the main thoroughfare scheme of the Town. The extension of these thoroughfares is in conformity with the general program for east-west through streets, described in this report. A small park is suggested in the triangle between Market Street extension and Adams Street in order to use to the best advantage this space which is small for building purposes.

Many towns which are grappling with grade crossing problems of this kind are confronted with embarrassing- topographical difficulties. Extensive filling or excavating operations are often involved to secure proper approaches to overhead or to underground crossings. Oftentimes long detours are required to obtain satisfactory gradients and to avoid conflict with factories, dwellings, or other structures. Frequently these crossings involve undesirable curves or jogs in the new roadways. Wholesale changes in the level of local streets are often involved in adjusting the desired improvement to the existing neighborhood. Norwood is fortunate in escaping all these contingent obstacles. The rising contour of the ground on both sides of the railroad assists the construction of approaches with a minimum amount of earth work and masonry construction, consequently long detours to secure good gradients are not required. The railroad tracks can be crossed at right angles without objectionable curves or jogs. Head room for the railroad can be secured without disturbing the present road bed. No buildings of a prominent kind stand in the course of the new roadway and there is, therefore, opportunity to use side slopes of earth for the embankments and obviate the use of expensive retaining walls. The disturbance of local streets is not involved. No taxable property need be destroyed in order to carry out the work of improvement. Thus far few accidents have occurred at this point of danger. It is to be hoped in the interest of public safety, and for the satisfactory upbuilding of the district across the tracks, that the grade crossing can be eliminated at an early day.

1923 Norwood Planning Board Report

1923 Planning Board Report-Plan for the Vicinity of Center of the Town

1923 Planning Board Report-Plan for the Vicinity of Center of the Town

The plan on pages 20 and 21 for the center of Norwood is an integral part of the general plan proposed for the Town as a whole. The development of the center cannot be considered separately from the development of…

Related:  Dedication of the Norwood Roll of Honor, May 12, 1943
Norwood 25 Years Ahead Of Dedham In Master Planning-This Day in Norwood History-January 22, 1948

Norwood 25 Years Ahead Of Dedham In Master Planning-This Day in Norwood History-January 22, 1948

But Many Phases Of Shurcliff Report Never Carried Out Here The neighboring town of Dedham has received the spotlight of publicity since the appearance, four weeks ago, of an Attractive 100-page booklet, profusely illustrated with diagrams, maps, statistical charts, and…

This Day In Norwood History-May 19, 1923-Planning Board Has Done Excellent Work

This Day In Norwood History-May 19, 1923-Planning Board Has Done Excellent Work

NORWOOD TOWN NOW BEAUTIFUL NORWOOD, May 19—The marked improvement in the physical appearance of the town of Norwood, since the establishment of a Planning Board, here, as well as the pride and interest which its townspeople have in the civic…



Published and Presented With the Compliments of George F. WillettChairman Town Planning Board1912 – 1923 Report of ARTHUR A. SHURTLEFF, Town Planner SUPPLEMENTARY REPORTS :Zoning, by JOHN P. FOX, ConsultantCivic Center, by HARRY J. CARLSON, ArchitectandLegal Aspects, by FLAVEL SHURTLEFF,…

1923 Planning Board Report-Vicinity of High Bridge

1923 Planning Board Report-Vicinity of High Bridge

The complicated and dangerous arrangement of roadways, railway tracks for electric and steam cars, in combination with a narrow underpass in the High Bridge district illustrates forcibly the costly results of allowing important road junctions to “happen by chance.” It…

1923 Planning Board Report-Proposed Additional East-West Through Streets and Diagonals

1923 Planning Board Report-Proposed Additional East-West Through Streets and Diagonals

In the wide interspaces between the existing east-west thoroughfares there are many local streets already built, and many more contemplated or actually under construction. Gradually, in a long term of years, all these wild lands will be traversed by roads…

Related:  120 Vernon Street – The Daniel P.  Pond House
1923 Planning Board Report-Existing North-South Through Streets

1923 Planning Board Report-Existing North-South Through Streets

The existing through streets of Norwood, as shown above, were laid out in times before the construction of the steam railroads, before the large industries were established, and, of course, long before the development of modern housing and the beginnings…

1923 Planning Board Report-Proposed Additional North-South Through Streets and Diagonals

1923 Planning Board Report-Proposed Additional North-South Through Streets and Diagonals

In the outlying districts of the Town where new houses and new streets are springing up, the individual land owners have used and are still using customary skill and foresight in the planning of individual lots to meet the desires…

1923 Planning Board Report-Development of Clark Swamp District

1923 Planning Board Report-Development of Clark Swamp District

The built-up area of Norwood is gradually approaching the margins of the Clark Swamp district. Under good or bad planning this entire neighborhood is destined to be crossed by streets and built up with dwellings. The cost of this work…

1923 Planning Board Report-Schools, Parks and Playgrounds

1923 Planning Board Report-Schools, Parks and Playgrounds

On the accompanying map are shown the public schools of Norwood. They are grouped most closely near the center of the Town with scattered buildings on the outskirts. Evidently school locations will follow the centers of new growth, but the…